Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day

The bond between a father and a daughter is completely indescribable.  My relationship with my father is so special that I am thrilled to see a similar relationship develop between Andrew and Ellie.

While I did not write this poem, I am dedicating it to the two most important men in my life, the two best dads.

Father & Daughter
by Heather Twining

The bond between father and daughter happens instantly, starting right at birth,
When a father first lays eyes on his little girl he loves her more than anything on this earth,

When a daughter grows older her father is the first man she will love,
And the last one her father will have trouble letting go of,

To her, father means the world, she means everything. 
When a daughter grows up to an adult and mature,

My Daddy with Ellie

Her father will always be there anytime she still needs a dad to help her,
To give her advice of just-for anything she will ever need,

The bond between father and daughter is the most important bond indeed,
It cannot be broken when she finds a man, and becomes his wife,

It cannot be broken even in the ending of either one's life,
A daughter will always have the memories of her father, her best friend

This bond has a beginning, but there is a never an end.
The bond between a father and a daughter is so profound

The love shared is well renowned,
From the beginning of his daughter's life, he is a changed man,

At that moment their eyes meet,
two souls instantly become complete.

Happy Fathers' Day to Daddy, Andrew, and all of the other dads out there!



  1. Oh my goodness-- Daddy's little girl... love the looks on both of their faces. Happy Father's day Anna and Ellie!!!

  2. Dad will always be special to me, especially to me who's a daddy's girl. That's why I make it a point to create a card with special fathers day messages and give to him on his special day. Happy Father's day to all wonderful dad around the world!


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