Sunday, July 11, 2010

Garage Garbage

They are the after pictures.  Do you see the nice upper shelf Andrew made?  Do you see the clear plastic containers that organize everything?  My honey did all of that this weekend!

My friends and family know that I have a type A, slightly obsessive-compulsive personality trait.  Shocking, I know.  I need things to be organized and color-coded.  I consider Staples or Office Depot an amusement park/candy store.  My college roommates can attest to that (remember the color-coded post-its and pens Megan, Meeta, and Denise???).  
Here is the thing. . . I married a closet hoarder.  Okay, I will be honest, he is not quite that bad.  He is a clutter pack rat.  I do not do clutter.  So when I clean (which is frequent), Andrew’s stuff is allocated to specific areas--mainly the garage and a drawer in the kitchen.  
Many times my honey love Drew-Drew has organized the garage.  He has plastic containers of various sizes, file cabinets, metal cabinets all for his stuff, house stuff, car stuff, and gardening stuff.  He (I mean we) has/have a lot of stuff.  He has all of these gigantic tools that are big and scary.  I do not know their names or what they do, but they are heavy, make loud noises, and are dangerous.  (see top pictures for some of these scary machines).  My point is they take up A LOT of room.
We have 4 vehicles and only two run.  (As opposed to the previous 5 cars & a motorcycle when I moved in). There are the two trucks which currently reside in our driveway. We have a hearse which is partially hidden in the driveway.  Then we have this really nice, really cool, chick magnet Supra that I have yet to ride in.  

That engine belongs to the Supra, I think.  Hence why I have yet to ride in it.

This beauty [Supra] is typically hidden away in the enclosed carport (Andrew turned the carport in a single car garage with fancy lighting, AC, and windows last year). It is Andrew’s goal to park both trucks in the large double garage.  The hearse can stay outside.

I really should have taken before pictures.  Instead, see the dumpster.  See how large & how full the dumpster is.  

Now look at the pictures at the top of the post.  See, my Drew-Drew-be has been very productive.  He is organized :-)  Very sexy.  He even built shelves to maximize the garage space. 

Yep, that is a shopvac on the middle shelf and another engine partially obscured on the bottom shelf.

I am so proud of my man!  A few more days and then both trucks will be parked in the garage.
Now the question is: will I be able to get the truck in and out of the garage without hitting the other truck or the hearse or the garage itself?

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