Since I have lived in Austin, Andrew and I have attended a somewhat pot-luck Thanksgiving gathering and R and M's house. This tradition started way before I was even in the picture. It was famous and yummy. Andrew's parents would even trek down from Plano to attend this delicious event. There were sides galore, deep-fried turkey, smoked turkey, and even slow smoked brisket. Oh and the desserts! A foodie's dream. Then we learned that R and M were going to New Mexico this year. (As well they should! They should see family and get a Thanksgiving off once in a while!) This was catastrophic you see . . . it is well known that I do. not. cook.

First off, I have set a microwave on fire. I kid you not. And it was recently. As in the past 3 years. The stench was so toxic and horrible that my perplexed hubby had to toss the exploded microwave to the curb immediately. What was I microwaving? A waffle. Yes, I managed to catch a waffle on fire. I blame the chocolate chips. While the kitchen is still standing, I typically do not exercise my lack of culinary skills, but we
had to have Thanksgiving.
So here I am hosting our first Thanksgiving ever. Andrew is smoking a brisket. He is a pro at smoking. . .
Yes, we do smoke. A lot.
Imagine my relief when I discovered that Pok-E-Jo's BBQ would sell Thanksgiving sides for a very reasonable price. I may have screamed an orgasmic "yes yes yes" when I placed our Thanksgiving order over the phone.
Andrew's beautiful 14-hour smoked brisket. The angels are singing. |
There was just one little problem. They did not have a sweet potato casserole. It is
not Thanksgiving without a sweet potato casserole. Especially the one with the tiny toasted marshmallows on top. I, of course, did the most logical thing. I consulted Pinterest. Then I talked to friends. I got similar, but different advice from everyone.
Here is what I did:
Bake 7 large sweet potatoes on a foil-line cookie sheet for 1 hour at 350 degrees
Allow to cool and remove the skins
Add to a mixing bowl the:
-5 TBSP of butter
-1/2 tsp cinnamon
-1/4 tsp nutmeg
Mash mash mash. Mix. I was going to add some milk or whipping cream if it got to thick or stiff, but I think I used enough butter to keep it moist.
Spread into 9x13 baking dish.
I made mine the day before so I covered them with foil and chilled them.
Day of:
Bake at 300 degrees for 45 minutes.
Change oven to Broil.
Sprinkle top of sweet potatoes with marshmallows.
Place back in oven and allow to lightly brown on top. This will happen FAST so don't turn your back.
And it was delicious and scrumptious and most importantly, NO ONE WAS POISONED. Everyone who dined on my sweet potato casserole is still alive and well. In fact, they are healthy! It is those antioxidants in the sweet potatoes, you know. I would like to say that no one was injured, but alas, my oven attacked me and my forearm is now sporting a nice 2nd degree burn. Eh, just another reminder as to why I shouldn't cook :-)
What did Ellie think of my sweet potatoes? She refused to try them. She even refused to have them on her plate. Chick-A-Boom chowed down on brisket and bread instead.