Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Bus, Yeah Yeah Oh Yeah

Sunday night, Andrew told Ellie that the bus was coming the next morning.  We are not sure what Ellie's concept of time is and we were concerned that she thought that she was going to ride the bus immediately.  So we spent some time telling her:

"First you must go night night to bed.  Then you ride the bus in the morning.  First sleep ALL NIGHT, then bus."

I think she got it because Monday morning, when I woke her up (yes, the one day we have to wake up early she decides to sleep in), she does not greet me with her typical "mama or da dada da", but rather frantically signs "bus" accompanied by a yelling of "yeah, yeah, oh yeah".  Ellie then proceeds to head over to her little table, grabs her water bottle, and then carefully slides it into the mesh cup holder on her back pack.  She removes her annoyingly bright magenta Minnie Mouse backpack (did I mention it was magenta with bright pink glitter circles?  Did I mention the glitter? And the pink?) from her wall hook and signs "bus" again.  She was clad only in a diaper and her PJ top.  Ellie was ready even if she was half clothed.

She's not excited or anything

As a mom, I worry about school.  Will she become upset when the bus drives away without us and stops at several people's homes before ending up at the school?  Will she be teased because she cannot talk and because she still wears pull ups?  What actually happens at school?  Will she eat her lunch or will she just play with it?  Will she be an ornery little thing and shove or bite another child?

She started to get annoyed with the mama paparazzi

When the big yellow bus arrived, Bear marched on up those steps with assistance, looked at Andrew and me, and grinned.  My girl was okay.  She is a big girl. . . and I am a proud weepy mama bear.

Bottom right: She is waving at us "bye mom and dad! I totally don't need you any more.  I am a big girl"

*School note from school: "Ellie had a good day.  We spent the morning learning the routine.  She played with play-doh for a long time and needed a few verbal reminders to not put it in her mouth.  She had speech and adaptive PE today." Her lunch box came home empty :)


  1. Yay to Ellie! I am so glad that she had a good day. I've been thinking about your girl. There are lots of new students at our school, and one of the middle schoolers happens to have Downs Syndrome. Other parents have had a hard time getting their special needs (autistic) children into the school, so this is a big step.

    1. Wow! That is great news about the inclusion at your school. The middle schooler is paving the way!

  2. I am in tears reading this because it gives me such hope for the day my son goes to school.

  3. Hooray for Miss Ellie! I'm a chicken and won't let Owen ride the bus right now. I know he would be thrilled beyond belief to ride it, but I just can't do it. He starts Pre-K a week from today. We have his Open House tonight and I'm excited for him--he'll be gone every morning during the week! He loves school, so even if I want him to stay little and be with me, it's not gonna happen. :)

  4. couldn't wait to open this one and see her on her first day!

  5. Reading this brought me back to that first day with Beth. Same excitement about the bus; note home from the teacher... ahh, memories. Glad Ellie had a great day!

  6. Adorable! Love that her backpack is half her size. And how excited were YOU? Hours! To yourself! Am so jealous :)


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