When Ellie was younger, I didn't know really anyone else with Down syndrome. I was overwhelmed with trying to juggle doctors' appointments, new motherhood, as well as update a whole slew of people. I started to write a blog to keep everyone in-the-loop. . . only none of the intended people read The Chronicles of Ellie Bellie Bear. BUT, I started to follow other bloggers with children with Ds and they started to follow me. One thing lead to another and some of us became Facebook friends--which is awesome because I totally wanted to stalk, er, follow this beautiful girl; Kamdyn. Tricia from Life is Beautiful has graciously written a Typical Tuesday post from Kamdyn's point of view.
Hi, everyone! Here's a little peak into some things about my day. First of all, if you don't remember, a few months back, I had hand surgery.
My arms were in casts that went all the way down to my thumbs. Mommy thought that the one silver lining of that 2 week recovery was that I would stop sucking my thumb. Little did she know, I am not giving up my thumb!
Silly Mommy underestimated my persistence.
After a peaceful night of thumb-sucking and possibly waking up in the middle of the night to go sleep in Mommy's bed, I wake up and get ready for my day. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I go to preschool in the morning. I can put on my own pants and shirt if it doesn't need to be buttoned. Mommy got me a lot of dresses with leggings, because they are easy for me to put on and pull down for using the potty. I'm still not potty trained, but I'm working on it.
Mommy does my hair.
I hate having my hair done. It really bothers me, and I usually cry. Mommy usually puts it in a pony tail, because it's fast.
I like to put on my shoes by myself. Sometimes I will even put on my shoes and sneak out the back door and try to go play. But Mommy has to help with my shoes and sure steps, because they are tricky. The doctor told us that my ankles still turn a lot, so I have to keep wearing my sure steps. I don't mind wearing them now, and Mommy got "chips" from the doctor that help them not rub against my foot. They have been much more comfortable since we got the "chips".
I also need glasses, because I am nearsighted.
Multi-grain cheerios is my favorite breakfast.

But sometimes Mommy lets me have cake and yogurt.

Other foods that I like to eat are marshmallows, broccoli, and sauteed peppers.

School is a lot of fun. I get to play with friends, read books, do crafts and art projects. Our class made "All About Me" books, and I like to sit at the table and look at all of the "All About Me" books.
At home, I like to play dress-up.

I like sensory play with water, sand, and rice.

I also like to paint.

My favorite movie is Frozen. My favorite shows are Caillou and Daniel Tiger.

I also like it when Mommy takes me to the library.

The last time we went, I gave Mommy a break by not trying to escape when she wasn't looking. Ever since I took a solo ride on the elevator that one time, she watches me REALLY close.
Some of my other favorite activities are:
Removing items from the refrigerator.

Climbing the cabinets, usually to get marshmallows or candy.

Sitting in silent protest when I'm not getting my way.

I am slightly addicted to the iPad. I have one of these schedules to help understand when I can have time with it.

Sometimes my little sister is really pesky while I'm trying to watch one of my favorite on the iPad.

If she's bothering me too much, I will go into the bathroom and shut the door to try to get away from her.
But we have fun together too.

I also like to help Mommy with dinner.

I love my family. They are the best.

Thank you both Kamdyn and Tricia!
You can continue to check out Kamdyn's antics at:
Life is Beautiful

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