UPDATE on Carrington: Blog specifically for this dear sweet girl found here with updates on her condition. Showing the world just how strong she is. http://carringtonscourage.blogspot.com/
UPDATE on Reece's Rainbow: When I write that these children do not have time. I mean it literally. Landon passed away today while waiting for a family. He was almost 2 years-old.
This is a really difficult post to write. My darling Ellie Bear has been so blessed to have been born in the United States during a time where children who have designer genes are no longer shut away and hidden from the outside world.
As several of you know, I have recently become involved with
Reece's Rainbow. Many of my dear friends among my Ds community are pursuing adoption. The adoption of beautiful, wonderful, sweet children who are deemed "unworthy" in other areas of the World.
You have all seen me post the
video on mental institutions in Eastern Europe in previous
posts. Have no fear that I will show those horrors to you again.
No, I am not asking you to adopt. I am not asking for tons of money. I am asking for prayers. . . and well, maybe a small amount of money.
This is Ellie, she is 3 months old and weighs 11 lbs. Do you see those rolls? Those big chunky cheeks? Now you know why she has been nicknamed the "Chunky Chicken" by my husband.
Please read this
story about Carrington. I am warning you, the images are difficult to see. They are REAL. Carrington is a little girl. A 3year-old girl. Her forever family brought her home. Home. Only to go straight to the hospital. Carrington weighs 11 lbs.
Her life is literally on the line.
Carrinton--see how they bundle her up so much.
You cannot even fathom how emaciated she is. |
I am asking for prayers. If you are not the praying type- then thoughts. Big thoughts. Passionate thoughts. Thoughts and prayers for Carrington and her family.
I am asking for awareness. Spread the word. We cannot be all high and mighty here. This is how things were in the United States back when my Aunt Peggy was born. Institutions for those who are not "normal". There has to be a change.
You can start now. Pray for
Carrington and her family. Read her story
He has already been moved from the orphanage to the mental institution. |
Also, the
Taylor family needs your help. They need to bring Alexander home so that he can receive the love, care, and family that he needs and deserves. The longer the wait, the more he suffers.
The Taylor family is still sponsoring and
iPad2 give away which I posted about last week. Who doesn't want a chance to win the new iPad? Only $10 for a chance to win this exciting new piece of technology.
I know that economic times are tough. Believe me, I completely understand. Every little bit will help bring Alexander home.
If you cannot give, then think about reposting this on FB, blogging about it, or praying.
Link to donate:
Link to their blog & details of Give Away: